Templar Collector-Monk

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Degann ânonna chooses some stones and a short prayer. Novices felt their fists held more firmly their spears, they were able to wear more blows on opponents. The collector still approached some of them and the two Ravens were surprised […]

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Multi-Card miniatures

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Some models of the game need to be played together. They are present on the same game card, a multi-card figures. Their use can sometimes ask some questions, answer–is thus following the points listed in the rule book. Multiple card […]

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Spirituality and Alchemy in Aurloks

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

For Aurloks, the everyday and the sacred are intrinsically linked: everyday life is inseparable from the invisible forces of the World of Spirits: a disembodied space and invisible to the naked eye, shrouded in mystery which is unknown to what […]

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History of Avalon

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

The birth of Avalon Avalon is a nation that has always been opposed to its big sisters. Not only in the conflicts that continue to appear here and there, but mainly in the minds of the people who were always […]

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Jewel and the Guild of Oz

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Jewel, second highest port in the north of the Concorde channel, quickly recovering from its partial destruction by ifrit Am’n Ayassarr. The financial strength of the guild of Oz and the work of the young Brotherhood of Free Masons has […]

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History Khalimans

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

The era of legends When Architects parted, Khalim went north: according Naash, he had to sacrifice himself to give life to a people. He arrived in a place he liked: a peaceful lagoon, lush sweetness of ice between the northern […]

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History of the Triad

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Orhöm, the faceless Architect, was long tormented by his imprecations. Drunk with bitterness, he renamed Dao and took the road south, towards the high mountains on which she had broken the glass Fresco. While Dao was climbing the mountains, his […]

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It was once Ibn Ibrahim Suleman

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

A new model for the Republic Khaliman appeared … The renowned Ibn Ibrahim Suleman … Avalaible on Alkemy’s Shop Ibrahim has long lived in the city of Th’Mhénic, where he officiated in time qadi, city judges Khaliman civilization. Then he […]

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History Aurloks

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Apart from notes made by the Triad, the past Aurloks is known today thanks to their oral culture, perpetuated by storytellers: legend and history mingle se. These stories always begin with Aurlokan trip that happened on the banks of Nicawa […]

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Elements graphics cards

Aug 18  alkemy_the_game  

Here is the graphic elements to create your own card game: – Font – Blank card – Symbol points of life Download graphics

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