Novembre release

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

These are four new models coming out this month! In order of appearance from left to right: – Déicolus the Seneschal of the Temple of Compline hero for Temple faction – Pitekica, Shaman Spirit Toad Ostiliha hero for Walosi faction […]

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A second skinner

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

A new Flayer has joined the Escapees from the penitentiary of the Tooth. It is now possible, without a proxy, to have a list of Evadés to blitz size (180pts). And even two lists! Troops: 2 convicts, 2 écorcheuses, 1 […]

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Alkemy to Tric Trac TV !

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Tuesday, June 24, Nicoleblond went Tric Trac at present Alkemy. Doctor Mops asked questions galore. Alkemy, what is it? Who is it? How it is played? What for ? How? These questions and answers 3 video Alkemy, what is it? […]

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Horned sentinel

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Such a statue of flesh, he remained close to this terminal without moving despite his injuries. When the rookie walked to the second terminal, they thought they saw a green flash: it was the toad had just pounce. He launched […]

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Avalonian Pilgrim

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

– But I had told him not to attack the priest, but he only saw the fragility of the man of faith. When targe stopped his blade, he wondered. When the plague fell upon his face, he was no longer […]

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In the back of binder …

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Some new one appeared in the shop for a alkémique season! First two new models, the Avalonian Pilgrim (sculpture O. Bredy) and Sentinel retort (sculpture O. Bredy) for the sub-faction Walosi: Then a string of goals (Johan Chauvet sculpture) to […]

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Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Eastern limit of Oblaye Itse with the desert–without–end, the massive Atalvi Akataha sharp contrast to it by its vegetation and relief. Both the Skan Yakela (desert–without–end) is flat, so the Mountains too high–rise skyward their steep sides that block the […]

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Atalvi Yagleya

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

The north-east of Oblaye Itse is limited by Atalvi Yagleya, mountains borders separating the continent of North Ocean Aurloks that few know. This is where the many small rivers are born that are lost and buried in the plains of […]

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Spring migration

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Source of life for the majority of Aurloks nomadic tribes, large herds of aurochs have always attracted me by the power they exude. So I was delighted when Iyayki Ye, a young wolf Herbs-au-vent, I was invited to share the […]

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The plains of Mako Sungwapa

Aug 19  alkemy_the_game  

Mako Sungwapa is largely covered with vast grassy plains whose colors vary from red to yellow straw from east to west. The Aurloks explain these colorful variations with age herds that graze them. Low red oriental herbs correspond, in their […]

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