Alkemy Kickstarter: Sanctified Alchemist

Sep 16 alkemy_the_game  

Alkemy Kickstarter, sanctified alchemist

The alchemist for the Avalonian sub-faction, the sanctified. Common statistics for an alchemist, 7 in Spirit, 3 in Reflex, 3 in Combat, he still has 10 life points. Its particularity is going to be in its competence “blood of sap”, which allows him to improve a formula by spending 1 life point instead of 2 stones. The sanctified alchemist has 2 alchemical formulas, “Sap Rise”, which makes frightening (13) friendly miniatures or himself, or increase the level of frightening, and the targeted miniature gains +1 in Combat. The second formula “grows beathacran” will create an area of entanglement effect around the alchemist. An enemy model penetrates the area suffers a Combat 4 roll, and if the defense has passed, the miniature is entangled (1 malus die at combat roll and -2 Defense).