Utopia Starter

Utopia Starter

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Utopia Starter. Do you like to scare? And use lots of skills? The Utopia starter is made for you! Lots of different things to do in-game!

To play blitz format, you need game material: http://alkemy-the-game.com/shop/product.php?id_product=250&id_lang=1

or you can download game material on website: http://alkemy-the-game.com/en/download-zone/

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Pack content

Virato Servilano. Hero 4 AP. He has reach (he can fight at a distance without being injured), Maritime Raid (he can transfer his PA or those of friends to other miniatures).

Missionary of Corente, alchemist 3 AP. It numbs enemies (less movement), 1st formula that targets enemies who take more DOM to shots and cannot react. 2nd formula, the enemies will have to make a test before any action under penalty of not being able to do it.

The homunculus is a 3 AP elite troop, it is Frightening (14) (if the enemy is frightened, he will have 1 penalty die as long as he is in combat with him), and he has Vital Puncture which allows him to regain 1 life point when he wounds an enemy model, and 3 life points when he kills an enemy model. It is not to be outdone with its COM 5 and a good DOM table.

The necromorph is a 2 AP troop, it is Frightening (15) and it has Fiendish Touch which allows you to remove all the life points of the same color from the enemy at once.

Grimpaor, elite troop 2 AP, Leap (it passes over miniatures, scenery and objectives), Tracker (1 free step per turn), Sharp Vision (it does not lose the aiming bonus die if the target makes a reaction movement ), Grapple (it gives penalties to enemies when shooting).

Excavator. Troop 2 AP. Shock (the injured enemy will have to re-roll a die with each roll), and Combat Master (he can do 1 free combat per turn).

Troop composed of 6 miniatures in resin with black plastic bases and their profile cards.


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